AFTER-HOURS 613-725-1182
Centretown Veterinary Hospital 613-567-0500

Neutering & Spaying

Spaying and neutering helps with population control, behaviour, and reduced health risks for pets.

Neutering & Spaying

Spaying and neutering helps with population control, behaviour, and reduced health risks for pets.

In addition to controlling the overpopulation of cats, spaying/neutering your pet is a responsible choice that also has many health and behaviour-related benefits.

What is spaying or neutering?

Spaying and neutering is the process of removing the reproductive organs, testicles in males and ovaries and uterus in females.

Spaying (Ovariohysterectomy)
Spaying a female cat involves the removal of almost the entire reproductive tract including the ovaries and the uterus [“ovario-” (ovaries), “-hyster-” (uterus), “-ectomy” (removal)]. A cat spay is a major abdominal surgery, hopefully, the most major your cat will ever need. Although a major surgery, it is one of the surgeries veterinarians perform often.

Neutering involves complete removal of the male testicles. This surgical procedure has few risks and a quick recovery.

When should I neuter/spay my cat?

Our veterinarians can help you determine the best time to neuter or spay your pet. Six months of age is the most often recommended.

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